Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Juvenile Drug Abuse Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Juvenile Drug Abuse - Research Paper Example However, the various researches reveal that teenagers have access and abuse different studies from as early s middle school. The habit is notably higher in high school. Different factors contribute to the increasing rates of the habit. According to a fact sheet from the United States Department of Health and Human Services that analyzed facts surrounding Boys and Substance abuse, young boys are prone to developing the habit of drug abuse more than girls develop. The fact sheet indicates that adolescents venture into substance abuse in middle school. Drinking alcohol starts bat this age, but increases greatly in high school. In addition, in 2006, boys reportedly took more alcohol than girls did. In specific statistics, 16% of eight grade boys took alcohol. 47% of boys from twelfth grade and about 34% of tenth grade boys also took alcohol. In 2005, another research showed that three out of five boys used tobacco while two out of five tries out inhalants. In 2006, 22% of boys in grade twelve grade, 13% of tenth graders and 8% of those in eighth grade reportedly smoked at least a cigarette in a month. However, comparison with other years indicates that the rates of tobacco and inhalant use have been falling (United St ates Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). Concerning the use of marijuana the fact sheet indicates that more boys used marijuana in all grades than girls did. In addition, 38% eighth graders, 29% tenth graders and 15% eighth graders who were boys had used marijuana in a year’s time. However, research proved that girls used prescription drugs more than boys did. The fact sheet suggested that the trends in substance use were generally falling on comparison wit previous years. The sheet also made highlights on the factors affecting substance abuse. Teenagers turn to substance abuse to show rebellion, to evade the reality of poor performance in school and

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